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A northwestern medicine physician examining breast imaging on several computer screens.

All women over the age of 40, should get regular breast cancer screening if they qualify. Early detection and diagnosis of breast cancer are key for optimal treatment and outcomes. We offer care and support for all patients with breast cancer and other breast issues.

Screening and Diagnostic Resources

What Is Breast Cancer?

Breast cancer begins when normal cells in the breast change and grow uncontrollably, forming a mass called a tumor.

Breast Cancer Screening

We offer advanced breast imaging technology for the most accurate screenings.

Diagnostic Imaging

We use advanced techniques for your diagnosis to ensure we are as thorough as possible.

Tissue Localization Prior to Surgery

If you need surgery to remove cancerous tissue in your breast, we offer several ways to find exactly where the tumor is and what needs to be removed.

Dense Breast Tissue

The density of your breast tissue is way to measure supportive fibers and gland tissue in the breast. Only a mammogram can determine the density.

Pathology Terminology

Learn about findings and terms that may be on your biopsy pathology report.

When To See Your Physician

Know when to set up a visit. Our breast health experts are with you at every stage of your journey.

Upload or Download Your Breast Imaging

In MyNM, you can view, upload or download breast images, such as mammograms and ultrasounds.

Locations & Contact Information

    Northwestern Medicine Cancer Care Network

    Our multidisciplinary team works in collaboration together across the entire Chicagoland area.

    Breast Cancer Second Opinions

    If you’ve just been diagnosed with breast cancer at another institution and are uncertain about your treatment options, Northwestern Medicine offers a second opinion with a qualified specialist.

    Breast Cancer Clinical Trials

    Through controlled research studies, known as clinical trials, you have access to advanced therapies and treatments for breast cancer at Northwestern Medicine.